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It's that time of year again

I am sure that there were many kids and parents excited about returning to school this week.....for some it can be a very stressful and anxious time


1. Prepare your child - use visuals so they know what is ahead for them for the day

2. Do some exercise in the morning - simple things such as jumping on a tramp, running on the spot, wall push ups and jumping and crashing onto soft cushions

3. Breathing - deep - push those hands together and breathe

4. Be positive and try and remain calm - as kids absorb our emotional states like sponges

5. Celebrate the joy of a new school year - take them to the park after school and maybe a fun water fight at home

School term is all about fun and learning, so let's try to decrease anxiety by making it a calm transition - let's not only use movement and breathing, but also laughter and music

If things go haywire - there is always another chance tomorrow and it's ok to learn and not be perfect - 'perfectly imperfect' is the way to be - embrace all our differences, celebrate small successes and be in the moment

Happy 1st week back

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